a smouldering fire2010 (cd, cyclone empire)01. isle of horror02. the riven tree03. heroes of the atom age04. bellwethers in mist05. unforseen06. december07. lauernder schmerz08. walking in the clouds09. leguano10. sojourner11. the flood and the horses12. voyage obscure
the first 2 decades (bonus cd)2010 (cd, cyclone empire)01. der student von ulm02. the falls03. ode04. yearn05. leaves06. one mind07. katharsis08. mirrorsoil 201009. chapter mmx10. (we are) mirror of deception
a smouldering fire2010 (cd, cyclone empire)01. isle of horror02. the riven tree03. heroes of the atom age04. bellwethers in mist05. unforseen06. december07. lauernder schmerz08. walking in the clouds09. leguano10. sojourner11. the flood and the horses12. voyage obscure
the first 2 decades (bonus cd)2010 (cd, cyclone empire)01. der student von ulm02. the falls03. ode04. yearn05. leaves06. one mind07. katharsis08. mirrorsoil 201009. chapter mmx10. (we are) mirror of deception